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Biophilic Design in Workplaces

All those plants you see around your workplace are not there by chance.  Research consistently shows that being able to see a couple of plants (not more) as you work boost your cognitive performance,...

Odd Spaces can make Great Spaces!

If when you read “odd places” in the title of this article and thought, “at last, what I should do with that weird space under the stairs OR that 2 foot by 3 foot...

How Openness among Residents blooms

The personality makeup of citizens seems to evolve with neighbourhoods. Gotz and teammates report that “Rising house prices may change the personality make-up of US cities within a few years, with residents becoming increasingly...

Want to make a good first impression?

We all like to be liked and want to make a good impression. Tooley “found that a space that is aesthetically satisfying and valued, contributes to the likeability of its occupants. . . ....

Getting your Home ready for the Fall

Autumn can be the most depressing season.  Sure, the leaves all turn pretty colours and the nip in the air means it’s OK to have a nip or two of hot spiced punch (with...

Entertaining and Eating Together

One of the fabulous things about autumn is the cosying up and cooking for family and friends (as well as just for ourselves). Creating a space for comfortable eating in your home is important...

Fall and Food

One of the first questions that generally gets asked about design and eating is if colours on walls, plates, etc., can influence how much we eat. The answer:  surface colours do indeed influence our...

Refresh your Home during the Fall season

Design can encourage us to be more active, even to workout.  Design can help you transition from making excuses for avoiding working out to exercising with vigor and enthusiasm (at least some enthusiasm). As...

Airports are Going Biophilic!

A recent article in the New York Times (“The Trouble With Airports, and How to Fix Them,”) should brighten the day of anyone who has ever, or may ever need to spend time in airports....

Blind people and colour perception

Kim and colleagues determined that “congenitally blind and sighted individuals share in-depth understanding of object colour. Blind and sighted people share similar intuitions about which objects will have consistent colours, make similar predictions for...

Live in a Green Area, if you can

Atiken found that “People who live in green neighbourhoods are less likely to develop cardiovascular disease. . . . The researchers analysed the odds of developing any new cardiovascular disease, and the number of...

Symmetrically balanced

Corradi and colleagues report that “people differ remarkably in the extent to which visual features influence their liking, highlighting the crucial role of individual variation when modelling aesthetic preferences. . . . overall, participants...


Want to remember what you’ve learned? The research is very, very clear.  When we return to the same place where we originally learned something, or even had a particular idea/inspiration, we’re more likely to...

Planning a Party? – The Long Read

The PARTY CHECKLIST! It’s probably been a while since you’ve been able to plan any sort of gathering that includes more than you and your cat.  Neuroscientists (who would no doubt by this time...

Dorm Rooms / Shared Kids Bedrooms

In a shared bedroom the main difference would be to make sure that each child has some space to put out/display a couple of things that remind them about what they value about themselves...

In the Car

You have some ability to customize the interior of your car to help you deal with situations you encounter as you drive. If you want to relax, the traffic has gotten your blood pressure...

How to Make that Temporary Desk your Own!

Co-working? If you find yourself in a temporary desk at a co-working site you can take steps to personalize your space. You can wear a trace of scent to create a subtle olfactory bubble...

Add Vertical Nature

You may have seen Vertical Gardens, beautiful, stunning nature landscapes of greenery, plants, flowers, mini trees and more. There is increasing evidence that these have many positive effects on us, not just reducing VOCs....

Depression and Vision

So when they speak about seeing the world through Rose-coloured glasses, it seems the opposite is true if you’re feeling blue. Researchers have verified that being depressed influences how people see the world, literally;...

Managing Circadian Rhythms

More research on how lighting affects us. Also read on to learn how we are lighting our homes and spaces now we have access to electric light in a way that is counter-intuitive to...

Sight-Sound Links

Did you know that our environment affects how we read and process information. This is a handy bit of information for advertisers, designers, or anyone trying to enhance their messaging to their readers. So,...

Getting out in Nature helps Boost Brain Power – It’s Official!

If you want to improve your little grey cells and also make yourself happy, get yourself out into nature. Write yourself a “green prescription” and take a walk outside, in a park, forest or...

Lighting for Sleep

Figueiro and colleagues set out to learn how light experienced during the day influences sleep. Via an online survey they evaluated how “potential changes in daytime light exposures resulting from teleworking or self-isolating at...

The Best Lighting Tip You’ll Read all Month!

Do you want to sleep better? Adjusting your lighting during the day is a key feature in helping you have a better night’s rest. Switching up the lighting, also helps you concentrate during the...

Workplace Views

We all know what we see affects our mindset, but which views are best and why? Elzeyadi’s research focused on preferred workplace views but his findings can be applied in other contexts. He reports...

Probably worth it!

In the fourth of our articles this month looking at the different design options you can try to improve your home at different price points, we suggest some tips and furnishings which cost a...

More elbow grease than cash required!

Most of us need to paint from time to time and depending on the colours on your walls now, you might decide that repainting sooner is a better idea that waiting. Have a look...

Really Low Cost

In the second article on designing the space to live the life you planned, we look at how you can change your home or office which will cost very little.    Your house or office...

How to alter your VR experience

Here’s a question for you! Did you ever visit a virtual reality environment while in different physical spaces and think your virtual experiences were different in each real life place? Research indicates that you’re...

Live near Greenspace – If you can!

The more greenspace we are surrounded by, the happier we are. Kwon and colleagues report that “By measuring the urban green space score (UGS) from high-resolution satellite imagery of 90 global cities covering 179,168...
