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Merging Households

As the weather gets warmer, people move, and often people who are romantically linked decide to take the plunge and move in together. People who with tight enough bonds to decide to move in...

Gender and place experience

Men and women can experience spaces in slightly different ways from time to time: Women have a better sense of touch than men, in technical terms, they are more “tactically sensitive” than men. This...

The Power of the Placebo

When I read “Write It in Garmond” by R.E. Hawley in February (at, I couldn’t help but think about the power of design placebos. Hawley writes “a few months ago, while I was...

What does being “Creative” mean to you?

Having an argument about whether something is creative or not?  Culture may influence your answers.   Kharkhurin and colleagues found that “The concept of creativity varies by culture. . . . Creative daring . ....

Weather affects our opinion!

Reviews may not be as objective as they seem. Brandes and Dover researched how weather conditions influence user reviews; they report that their study “uses a unique dataset that combines 12 years of data on...

Pollution actually stops us from making green choices…

Ming, Deng, and Wu found that “People are less willing to engage in PEB [pro-environmental behaviours] (e.g., purchasing pro-environmental products, recycling, sustainable travel, donation to environmental organizations) when air pollution is severe. . ....

New new new! We love new!

Ever wondered why we feel compelled to buy new stuff? Jie and Li found that “consumers exhibit mere newness preference across many product domains—preferring chronologically newer options over older options with no substantive benefits...

Let music and scents be the food of love!

In many a boudoir scene on the silver screen, not only do candles predominate, but before the person to be romanced arrives, some scent is sprayed in the air and background music begins to...

What does your home say about you?

At least according to the experts in these sorts of things, it seems most likely that people will form their most useful opinions of others when they actually have some idea who those other...

Love the planet too

Designing a place where you and other space users will feel comfortable and accomplish whatever you’re motivated to get done has more than the obvious positive implications. If a place works for you and...

Keep your mind and body refreshed

At this time of year, we all need a good break, even if it doesn’t seem like we’re even doing as much as usual.  Being confined to our homes, by cold weather in the...

Getting along in the office too

Talking of love. Creating offices where people are going to get along is also important. We are not necessarily talking about having a romance over the water-cooler, but so people feel comfortable in a...

Thinking about Smelling

The powerful effects of what we smell on how we live was discussed in a recent article in The New York Times—could it be that we’re about to enter “The Smell Age.” On January...

Generation What?

We regularly hear that the generation that someone’s in should drive the design of the space they’re in.  Tom Standage’s review of The Generation Myth: Why When You’re Born Matters Less Than You Think...

If You’re in New York City . . .

A current exhibit at the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum focuses on designing to support healing (  The exhibit is described on its website: “This exhibition, curated by MASS Design Group and Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian...

The Value of not being too Unusual

Button reports that “Eye tracking methods and measurements were employed to empirically examine if attention can predict consumer judgements and behavioural outcomes. . . .     Findings reveal the importance of the grille as a...

Want to make a good first impression?

We all like to be liked and want to make a good impression. Tooley “found that a space that is aesthetically satisfying and valued, contributes to the likeability of its occupants. . . ....

One Mousse, Two Mousse, Yes Mousse, NO Mousse!

The Space Doctors have written another poem for you in the style of Dr Seuss!  We hope you enjoy it! If you would like your very own higher resolution PDF copy to send to your...

Starting Anew – Aargh! to Aahh!

People putting together plans for new homes pass through a set of predictable phases.  The first is euphoria:  “Wow, I’m going to have the opportunity to do something new, to create the sort of...

TIPI – Designing for your personality

Ever wondered how you align with your friends and family? One of the things that’s clearest about space design is that everyone feels better when their personality aligns with the place that they find...

Did you know that your home design can help you eat healthily?

We are writing this as we enter a new year, but you might also be preparing to design a new home, a new space or getting ready to move completely. Well, we have some...

Creating your new home office

For some this could be the most important space in the home now we are working remotely more as a result of Covid 19 and Lockdown. We have lots of tips on how to...

Creating places to mingle in your home

Places where people will have positive, pleasant conversations: Will allow everyone who wants to make eye contact at any time they feel like it. Parties require the sorts of everyone sits in a ring...

Stress in the City

How to design a city? Mazumder reports that during his dissertation research he found that “participants were brought into an urban environment, in the real world, but also via virtual reality, through the use...

Which face mask is best?

How easy or difficult is it to understand someone wearing different sorts of face masks? Researchers lead by Brown determined via data collected from people with normal hearing that “cotton masks with filter inserts...

Carefully consider the Cart

This is an interesting one. Ever wondered why shopping trolley handles are the way they are? Ever wondered if they were designed differently how that would affect our spending habits? Well, Estes and Streicher...

Encouraging Good Behaviour

Do you have a house of unruly inhabitants? Or work with a bunch of messy sausages? Well, here at The Space Doctors are here to help! Design can encourage people to behave in ways...

Textures Matter, Even for Robots

Umeda lead a research team that found that “Body texture, such as softness or elasticity, is an important consideration in the design of robots meant for interactive functions. . . .  researchers asked adult participants...

Banking Happiness

Faraji-Rad and Lee determined that  “Merely anticipating a future sad event motivates consumers to ‘accumulate happiness’ in order to enhance their ability to cope with the anticipated sadness later—a phenomenon that we call banking...

Living with Stress

Goldring and Bolger investigated how daily stressors influence lives and found that “Prior research shows that daily stressors lead to greater psychological distress. A separate body of research links daily stressors to physical symptoms...
