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The Space Doctors

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Biophilic Design in Workplaces

All those plants you see around your workplace are not there by chance.  Research consistently shows that being able to see a couple of plants (not more) as you work boost your cognitive performance,...

Hearing the right “silent” messages

Space designers and managers are also really focused on you getting the right messages from what they provide.  Some research studies have found that the nonverbal messages that you pull from your workplace have...

Odd Spaces can make Great Spaces!

If when you read “odd places” in the title of this article and thought, “at last, what I should do with that weird space under the stairs OR that 2 foot by 3 foot...

Nook spaces and visual complexity…

Your odd space may have spent part of its life as a nook and time as a nook can have a serious and powerfully negative effect on your future efforts to keep random stuff...

Scents and Sounds in your Odd Space

You’ll need to breathe when you’re in your odd space and in the oddest of the odd spaces, that can be a challenge.  The best of the odd spaces have windows in them or...

Places for Dogs, Cats, and Fish

Our pets, at the very least, seem like our very good friends, and we can make sure that they enjoy living in our homes as much as we enjoy having them share it with...

Merging Households

As the weather gets warmer, people move, and often people who are romantically linked decide to take the plunge and move in together. People who with tight enough bonds to decide to move in...

Gender and place experience

Men and women can experience spaces in slightly different ways from time to time: Women have a better sense of touch than men, in technical terms, they are more “tactically sensitive” than men. This...

Burnout – What You Can Do in Your Home Office

“Burnout” may be the word of the moment.  Many of us seem to be feeling some sort of malaise, and “burnout” seems like an appropriate label for our mental (and sometimes physical) exhaustion, and...

The Power of the Placebo

When I read “Write It in Garmond” by R.E. Hawley in February (at, I couldn’t help but think about the power of design placebos. Hawley writes “a few months ago, while I was...

Feeling crowded makes us angry..

Next time you’re feeling crowded or putting together some sort of event, etc., where people might feel crowded, apply these research findings from Reyt and colleagues: “Crowded waiting areas are volatile environments, where seemingly...

Personality and musical taste

Greenberg and teammates report that they “built on theory and research in personality, cultural, and music psychology to map the terrain of preferences for Western music using data from 356,649 people across six continents....

What does being “Creative” mean to you?

Having an argument about whether something is creative or not?  Culture may influence your answers.   Kharkhurin and colleagues found that “The concept of creativity varies by culture. . . . Creative daring . ....

Gender preferences for hotel robots…

Turns out the sex of a robot makes a difference! While we might look at stereotyping issues, this research points out that preference is still biased to the female in this service industry. Read...

Weather affects our opinion!

Reviews may not be as objective as they seem. Brandes and Dover researched how weather conditions influence user reviews; they report that their study “uses a unique dataset that combines 12 years of data on...

We chose Air Purifiers and think they make our rooms cooler…

Cooper and associates have learned that “One of the most widely available technologies to clean the air in homes of particulate matter of less than 2.5 µm in diameter (PM2.5), known to have negative health...

Fear affects us physically

Tashjian and colleagues studied what happens to us when we’re in a scary place (for this project, a haunted house with 17 rooms) and the social nature of fear-type responses.  They share that “Threats...

Pollution actually stops us from making green choices…

Ming, Deng, and Wu found that “People are less willing to engage in PEB [pro-environmental behaviours] (e.g., purchasing pro-environmental products, recycling, sustainable travel, donation to environmental organizations) when air pollution is severe. . ....

New new new! We love new!

Ever wondered why we feel compelled to buy new stuff? Jie and Li found that “consumers exhibit mere newness preference across many product domains—preferring chronologically newer options over older options with no substantive benefits...

Living and Loving

February is love month.  We’ve been hearing this since we have been old enough to hear anything at all.  The consumer products juggernaut that fills all our communications with advertisements, sometimes now flowing like...

Let music and scents be the food of love!

In many a boudoir scene on the silver screen, not only do candles predominate, but before the person to be romanced arrives, some scent is sprayed in the air and background music begins to...

What does your home say about you?

At least according to the experts in these sorts of things, it seems most likely that people will form their most useful opinions of others when they actually have some idea who those other...

Love the planet too

Designing a place where you and other space users will feel comfortable and accomplish whatever you’re motivated to get done has more than the obvious positive implications. If a place works for you and...

Keep your mind and body refreshed

At this time of year, we all need a good break, even if it doesn’t seem like we’re even doing as much as usual.  Being confined to our homes, by cold weather in the...

Getting along in the office too

Talking of love. Creating offices where people are going to get along is also important. We are not necessarily talking about having a romance over the water-cooler, but so people feel comfortable in a...

Photos on Dating Sites

There is an entire industry, oodles of professionals, who want to make sure that you dating site photo is all that it can possibly be and immediately leads to the love of your life....

Thinking about Smelling

The powerful effects of what we smell on how we live was discussed in a recent article in The New York Times—could it be that we’re about to enter “The Smell Age.” On January...

Generation What?

We regularly hear that the generation that someone’s in should drive the design of the space they’re in.  Tom Standage’s review of The Generation Myth: Why When You’re Born Matters Less Than You Think...

“Awe”some is good!

The BBC has decided to talk about awe, something applied psychologists have been fascinated with for years. David Robson, on January 2, 2022  (“Awe:  The ‘Little Earthquake’ That Could Free Your Mind,” talks...

Eating red…

Does the colour of your plates make a difference to the amount and what you eat? Steele and Rash how red dishes affect what we eat… They share that that two previously published “articles...