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How background music affects our interactions.

Chang and Kim’s findings will be particularly interesting to you if you’ve spent a lot of time during lockdowns watching movies.  They report that “Films in general, and background music in particular, have the...

How Openness among Residents blooms

The personality makeup of citizens seems to evolve with neighbourhoods. Gotz and teammates report that “Rising house prices may change the personality make-up of US cities within a few years, with residents becoming increasingly...

Want to make a good first impression?

We all like to be liked and want to make a good impression. Tooley “found that a space that is aesthetically satisfying and valued, contributes to the likeability of its occupants. . . ....

Banking Happiness

Faraji-Rad and Lee determined that  “Merely anticipating a future sad event motivates consumers to ‘accumulate happiness’ in order to enhance their ability to cope with the anticipated sadness later—a phenomenon that we call banking...

How to throw a great party!

THE ENVIRONMENTAL NEUROSCIENCE OF A GREAT PARTY (THE KIND OF TITLE THAT DEFINITELY DESTROYS THE FUN) ‘Tis the time of year for parties—and in many parts of the world, with the right disease fighting...

Fall and Food

One of the first questions that generally gets asked about design and eating is if colours on walls, plates, etc., can influence how much we eat. The answer:  surface colours do indeed influence our...

Temperature Wars

This is the time of year when there are often quite lively, shall we say, debates over where to set the thermostat in your home or office. Please consider this article a public service,...

Art and Light

Art and other decorative elements can be great additions to gardens, particularly ones that have an organic curvy form, since they’re relaxing to look at, but what’s designed to be seen but missed visually...

Zoning Out!

Zone out! Create zones in your yard or garden, even if they’re tiny, so that users can, to the extent possible, develop their own sets of experiences, having options boost moods. Some areas should...

Curves & Hedges

Cushions that have curves The links we make between curving things and feeling comfortable is quite strong.  Curving lines in art make it likely that piece will make a space feel more blissful and...

Design for Exercise – how to make the most out of your exercise

‘Tis the time for exercise.  Nothing inspires a person to spring into action, body management-wise, faster than the prospect of leaving the house in a summer ensemble that’s snugger, in a debilitating sort of...

What to do with the TV?

In a space for mingling people should be able to make ready eye contact with each other. Eye contact opportunities are the reason that in so many living rooms and family rooms around the...

Add a bit of You to Your Space

Say who you are with some things that mean something to you.. but not too much! In a space where people will have a great time together, which is what mingling is all about,...

Why to Scent Subtly!

Humans “communicate” extensively via scents, according to research recently published by Hofer, Chen, and Schaller; these findings support subtle scentscaping. In another of our “in the news” articles, here is some really interesting information...

Value of Green Spaces

A paper published in the Journal of Happiness Studies confirms the value of regularly spending time outdoors (which indicates how important that we have ready access to outdoor areas near our homes, etc.): “Previous academic studies...

Temperature Matters!

When it’s cold we need more social warmth. Fay and Maner found that “Laboratory studies have linked variability in temperature to the psychology of social affiliation. In colder ambient environments, for example, people report...

7 Ways to Boost Work performance at Home

You can use neuroscience to develop spaces where you work to your full potential and, more probably, achieve the goals you set yourself (including those New Year Resolutions you may have set a while...

Well Wood do you know? We all need Wood

Salvador, after completing a literature review, reports that “A literary review based study revealed wooden materials in interiors and objects to have a positive psychological influence in humans, with a pacifying and relaxing effect.” Salvador. 2019.  “Human...

Water Magic

Intentionally adding water to a space is a good idea, as long as that water stays where it belongs—rogue water from a broken pipe is a psychologically debilitating stressor. Looking at water that’s gently...

Not the Same Old Oval Office

Most offices, even if they’re used by well-known people are unseen by most of us.  Titans of industry and even many public officials spend their “office hours” working in places that only their professional...

Plants a Plus

Adding a green leafy plant to any sort of space in which you find yourself is a good idea. Research has directly linked looking at green leafy plants to: Lower stress levels Mental refreshment...

Soundscapes and Sensitivity

Tarlao, Steffens, and Guastavino’s work verifies that many factors besides the actual noises themselves influence perceptions of acoustic experiences. The researchers report that “Previous soundscape research has shown a complex relationship between soundscapes, public space...

More Proof that Biological Diversity benefits us

Methorst and colleagues report that they “examine[d] the relationship between species diversity and human well-being at the continental scale, while controlling for other known drivers of well-being. We related socio-economic data from more than...

What you wear can influence what you eat…

Wang and colleagues link clothing worn and food selections made, it may be possible to apply their findings  more generally, but whether this sort of extension is reasonable will need to be directly investigated. ...

Restaurant Plants

Yildirim and colleagues found that people have a positive response to plants in restaurants and it is logical to extend their findings to other situations in which people may be eating.  The researchers found...

How new homes should be designed post-Covid

The Place Alliance surveyed people in the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 pandemic (May, 2020) and after analyzing the data they collected online have reached some conclusions about how homes should be designed in...

‘Tis the Season for Cosy

The space in this photograph is a fine place to spend some time. Nothing says “cosy winter afternoon” faster than a fireplace fire. Staring into those flames is, what’s known in the psych biz,...

The Science of Using Scents

Happily, for most of us, most of the time, are noses are doing their job and we can pick up odours in the world around us.  Scientific studies consistently link particular smells to particular...

Temperature Tangos

Winter – This is temperature tango time, the months of the year when there are lots and lots of heated debates about where to set the thermostat. Science can end this discussion before it does...

Plant used as a 'boundary'

Secret to eye contact

We tend to talk to people we can make eye contact with—and people raised in the West are generally very, very positive about eye contact. Arranging seats in a sitting room so that all...
