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Re-nesting – The Long Read

Even if as you read this it isn’t officially autumn yet, you know that summer is past and we are beginning to settle into another winter slog toward Spring and a return to indoor-outdoor...

The Most Common and Important Errors Design Professionals Seem to Make

None of us are perfect, even people who design for a living.  Unfortunately, design professionals regularly do the following things, which are oh so very un-good for the people using what they’ve designed: Signalling...

How to Feel Safe/Secure at Home

 We’re more apt to feel safer, that where we live is more “neighbourly,” and actually be more secure when: Cooler colours predominate in the space we’re in. We’re sitting or sleeping so that we...

Home or Asset?

Grant and Handelman report that “Traditionally, the home is regarded as a place of singularization that is to be aligned with the homeowner’s unique identity. This traditional meaning has come to be confronted with...

Biophilic Design in Workplaces

All those plants you see around your workplace are not there by chance.  Research consistently shows that being able to see a couple of plants (not more) as you work boost your cognitive performance,...

Odd Spaces can make Great Spaces!

If when you read “odd places” in the title of this article and thought, “at last, what I should do with that weird space under the stairs OR that 2 foot by 3 foot...

How Openness among Residents blooms

The personality makeup of citizens seems to evolve with neighbourhoods. Gotz and teammates report that “Rising house prices may change the personality make-up of US cities within a few years, with residents becoming increasingly...

Want to make a good first impression?

We all like to be liked and want to make a good impression. Tooley “found that a space that is aesthetically satisfying and valued, contributes to the likeability of its occupants. . . ....

Live in a Green Area, if you can

Atiken found that “People who live in green neighbourhoods are less likely to develop cardiovascular disease. . . . The researchers analysed the odds of developing any new cardiovascular disease, and the number of...

Learning Spaces – 1

Cognitive learning is hard, hard brain work, whether you’re 8 or 80.  Spaces where you plan to learn new material, whether they’re a home schoolroom, a home office, or a classroom outside a home...

Learning Spaces – 3

There are a range of educational philosophies and styles that teachers may favour and some more rigorously encourage movement during lessons than others.  Movement requires a space to move in, and that can influence...

Add Vertical Nature

You may have seen Vertical Gardens, beautiful, stunning nature landscapes of greenery, plants, flowers, mini trees and more. There is increasing evidence that these have many positive effects on us, not just reducing VOCs....

Making BIG Spaces

If you want people to feel welcome and comfortable, especially in commercial environments, you would do well to pick up tips from Noble and Devlin’s recent study. The bigger the better it seems, makes...

Probably worth it!

In the fourth of our articles this month looking at the different design options you can try to improve your home at different price points, we suggest some tips and furnishings which cost a...

The Design Plan

Deciding on what to design first when you’re conscious of the size of your purse. Even the most organized of us, the ones living lives ordered beyond even the imaginations of mere mortals, only have...

Design and Physical Health

Design can support physical health in more than the expected ways. Use of safe materials, ones that don’t off gas toxins, for example, is an obvious design-based route to physical health. Design can make...

Green Buildings are Worth More! – “Science News”

So yes, the news we’ve all been waiting for! Things we knew anyway, that green spaces, green and environmental features are better not just for the environment, but also make us better creative and...

Colours Seen and Temperatures Perceived – “Science News”

The warmer the colour of the light around you, the warmer you feel. This might seem obvious, but studies continue to prove this the case, with significant results. So if it’s cold outside, maybe...

Learning Spaces – The Long Read

Our brains have to work hard to learn new things.  The forces building the knowledge bases inside our skulls (we’ll talk mainly about learning information and mental skills here, not more physical skills) need...

Designing In Awe – Why and How

There may not be any broader mental state we could talk about in this issue, which focuses on designing to boost brain performance, than awe. The spaces and objects in our lives which are...

Helping Our Memory Work Better, Via Design

Design decisions can help our memories work just a little better.  In this article, we’ll cover how design can support the memories of those of us with regular old brains, specific issues raised by...

Some Don’t Like it Hot

Temperature affects us all, and also how we perceive and like the space we are in. In our regular notes from science we picked up a recent study to share with you here. This...

New Season, New Home!

Each Spring, a lot of us get the urge to try something new, house-wise—and this year, with so many of us having spent so much more time in our homes than usual that drive...

Checklist for Making Changes in Your Home

What to Change First?  If you review your options and decide to remodel your current home, you need to decide what you should change first. In the articles in this month’s issue (May 2021...

Choosing a NEW HOME… the Long Read

If you’ve considered the stay-move list noted earlier and you’re going to find a new home, only relocate to a space that makes you feel good.  Don’t choose to move into a space unless...

Post-COVID Home Design

The single most important message, design-wise, we can draw from our experiences during the pandemic related lockdowns is that we need to make sure our homes, going forward, provide us with options as to...

Interesting and Green Views are Best – “Science News”

Recent research looking at which views people prefer has thrown up an interesting result. Batool, Rutherford, and McGraw, when investigating what people prefer to see out of their windows when they’re in urban areas...

Leaving on a Jet Plane

As we start to be inoculated, worldwide, it does start to seem likely that someday soon we may again find ourselves on airplanes, actually travelling, maybe even for fun.  Remember vacation? Airplane Design from...

Happy Memories

Don’t ignore your own positive prior garden or yard experiences.  If your childhood garden featured brightly coloured furniture you loved, use the same style again in your current garden if you can, regardless of...

Art and Light

Art and other decorative elements can be great additions to gardens, particularly ones that have an organic curvy form, since they’re relaxing to look at, but what’s designed to be seen but missed visually...
