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2024 May 2024 Moving Home

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  • 2024 May 2024 Moving Home

Choosing a New Place… The LONG READ

Relocating, changing where you live can be a jarring experience. There are all sorts of practical things that you need to figure out when you move – like the fastest route to the market...

Packing and Un-packing…

When you are getting ready to move, what should you pack first, unpack first, not pack at all? When you are getting ready to move the thought of getting everything you own into boxes...

Fix-it-up Timeline… what should you tackle first and why…

Even if you move into a brand-new home, one that has never been lived in by anyone else, you’ll need to make some changes before your new house becomes your new home. The first...

Managing your new garden…

If your new home has a garden, you may be wondering what you should plant. The Space Doctors talked about designing gardens where you can relax and have great times in this article. and...

Building in Privacy

If you were at all happy in your old home you had privacy when you wanted it. To be happy in your new home your need to make sure that you do. Privacy is...

Language and Design Communication

Have you ever had the experience that you just seem to be unable to communicate with someone about design (or some other topic for that matter)? Your inability to communicate may be because they...
