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2024 April Outside the home

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  • 2024 April Outside the home

At home and onsite creativity

Rucker and associates “conducted an experimental study with a German company whose employees usually work in an activity-based workspace consisting of open, closed and informal spaces that can be used by employees depending on...

Your Home’s “Face”

The façade of your home is the face that it presents to the world. Just like our own faces have a big effect on the instantaneous opinions formed of us as people, the front...

Front Door Colours

One of the home design decisions that people agonize over for longest is what colour to paint their front door.  There are so many colours to choose from, and the choice seems so significant,...

Outdoor Views

As Spring moves forward across the Northern Hemisphere, you may be thinking of what to do with the landscapes surrounding your home.  Neuroscience research has a lot of useful information related to this topic....

Harvesting useful Outdoor Scents

While you are planning your outdoor spaces, think about what they’ll smell like.  You can harvest those smells through open windows and smell them directly when you are outdoors. Neuroscience indicates that the following...

Garden Design – Creating the Right Path

When you are creating paths outside through gardens, etc., or inside by arranging the furniture in your living room, you can choose options that are straighter or more curved.  Should you go with something...

Battling Burnout with Design

Spring can often seem to be the season for burnout, the winter has been long, and just before the plants really spring back to life, our existences can seem bleak—and we all work too...
