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2023 March Cities

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  • 2023 March Cities

Benefits of Being in a City

Movies and television shows and books and magazine articles (every sort of media, it seems) makes city living seem oh so exciting and in many ways quite irresistible.  Country living is presented as fine,...

How to Live in a City

Once you get yourself to the city, renting or buying a place, you have to spend time living there. But humans developed into their current forms living in nature. Over the aeons our brains...

Your Personality and Your In-City Home

Although there’s always the chance (day or night) to pop out of an urban residence, it’s even more important that that a home in the city aligns with your personality than that one outside...

Take “Advice” With More Than One Grain of Salt

When you are selecting a home, in the city or elsewhere, it’s important to make up your own mind about the options available to you and not be cajoled into living here or there...

What you can learn from Urban Design for Wherever you Live

Urban designers have done oodles of studies over the years, and some of the lessons that their work teaches are relevant whether you live in a city or not and their research outcomes align...

Cities and Pets

Pets living in cities lead very different lives than their country cousins.  In this era, city dogs are likely to have some access to nearby green areas, but that’s not necessarily the case.  City...
