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2023 Dec Resolutions

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Designing New Year’s Resolutions – The Long Read

As one year ends and another begins we’re driven to think about the high and low points of the last 12 months and to plan for the next 12, and beyond.  All of which...

Keeping your New Year’s Resolutions

Looking for tips for keeping your New Year’s resolutions? Look no further: Open the curtains and let in the natural light. We not only process information more effectively in natural light, our cognitive performance...

Design – Sending Silent Signals

As The Space Doctors has discussed oodles of times, human beings continually “read” the world around themselves, trying to determine what it has to “say.” All of which sounds like a lot of mumbo-jumbo,...

There are more benefits of being active – beyond the Calories!

The research is very clear that being active, really using your muscles throughout the day, has all sorts of benefits beyond burning calories (although burning calories is indeed a good thing). Taking a walk,...

Cold Weather Fixes…

Want to feel warmer?  Make sure you’re surrounded by warm colours and nix the cooler ones.  The difference in perceived temperatures can be as much as 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Similarly, when we see images...

What Art?

Have you decided to add some art to your life?  Neuroscience research makes it clear when it’s best to add what: Looking at nature scenes—in paintings, in photographs, etc.—helps you mentally refresh after you’ve...
