We’re always somewhere, we’re never nowhere. Whether that’s in our home or workplace, our garden or even the shed.
Science makes it clear that we can use the places that surround us to live the best lives we’ve planned for ourselves.
Rigorous studies by well-trained, impartial investigators have shown how the bits of information that flow to our brains through our eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue influence how we think and behave. This is what’s known as environmental psychology.
We use these science-based design solutions, to show you how you can apply the powerful findings of these researchers in your own life, to achieve the social, professional, and other goals that you value. Biophilic design, for example, can have a powerfully positive effect on humans.
The same sorts of spaces make us feel comfortable today as did in our primordial past—we also continue to think and problem solve most effectively and creatively in these sorts of spaces and we’re likely to be less stressed and in a good mood when we’re in them—and our blood pressure is likely to be lower too.