Colour Me Moral – “Science News”
Chan and Meng found that “it seems that people have been conditioned to see objects in white color as potentially ‘morally good’ and those in black color as potentially ‘bad.’ In the current inquiry,...
Home Design and Lockdown Depression
The bottom line of this research is that we need larger spaces and look out onto greenery, awe also need natural lighting, better acoustics, art, greenery and privacy… Design-depression links have been identified using data...
Not the Same Old Oval Office
Most offices, even if they’re used by well-known people are unseen by most of us. Titans of industry and even many public officials spend their “office hours” working in places that only their professional...
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…
Seeing oneself in a mirror makes it more likely we’ll follow the rules that our society has set for us, so they’re good options for places such as entry areas where properly stowing boots...
Change your viewpoint!
If your stock portfolio is filed with risky options and you’re nearing retirement, a move to a lower floor may be in order. Jami reports that “Multiple studies show that exposure to the viewpoint...
Boost Professional Performance
When you’re doing work that requires you concentrate, your brain, like a sports car, fires on all cylinders, relaxing colours, options that are not very saturated but relatively bright are best. Focused thinking is...