The personality makeup of citizens seems to evolve with neighbourhoods.
Gotz and teammates report that “Rising house prices may change the personality make-up of US cities within a few years, with residents becoming increasingly open-minded – not just as wealthier people move in, but also among longer-term locals. This is according to a University of Cambridge-led study of almost two million people in the US living across 199 cities. Psychologists tracked annual personality scores over nine years (2006 to 2014). . . . just a $50 rise in a city’s average housing prices saw the characteristic of “openness” increase significantly. . . . Openness is one of five major personality traits, and captures levels of curiosity and creativity. . . . . The trait of ‘Openness’ is strongly associated with liberal votes and attitudes as well as entrepreneurial activity. It is also linked to socioeconomic status: the desire and freedom to explore new experiences can be a side effect of sufficient wealth and security.”
Aligning design with personality is discussed in this article.
“Gentrification Changes the Personality Make-Up of Cities in Just a Few Years.” 2021. University of Cambridge, Press release, https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/gentrification-changes-the-personality-make-up-of-cities-in-just-a-few-years