80% of people prefer curves… 

curved pathway

Creating a path?  Work in a curve.  D’Acci, collecting info on urban streets, found that “80% of a . . . random sample of 102 people stated to prefer, ceteris paribus [other things being equal] and for continuous/legible [clear] routes, to walk throughout curvy paths instead of straight and felt the former as shorter too, to generically walk through a route, and to reach a destination. . . . pedestrians prefer curvy routes to walk along rather than straight, and feel the former shorter too.” Psychologist say that curving paths have “deflected vistas” and research inside has shown that we favor them there as well.

Luca D’Acci. 2019.  “Aesthetical Cognitive Perceptions of Urban Street Form. Pedestrian Preferences Towards Straight or Curvy Route Shapes.”  Journal of Urban Design, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 8960912, https://doi.org/10.1080/13574809.2018.1554994
